
74,5383 €/gr
2.587,80 $/oz
0,8896 €/gr
30,89 $/oz


We represent the e-commerce department of two important and top-notch Companies in the Italian jewellery industry. With our manufacturing Factories located in the industrial districts of Arezzo and Valenza we have always conceived high quality products, offered absolute guarantee of gold titles and a reliable staff for over 50 years.

Thanks to our background and work ethic we have created “Precious Components” , the first Italian e-commerce for companies.  Precious Components  is the ideal partner for all Companies that today, more than yesterday, feel the need to have flexible warehouses without storing large quantities of precious semi-finished products, but at the same time they need to relate with reliable and serious manufacturers with competitive prices.

With more than 5.000 items available in gold and silver, fast shipments and direct customer assistance, Precious Components is the ideal partner for the operators in the jewelery-goldsmith sector, and it is a specialized e-commerce for customers who wants to buy precious components directly from the manufacturers at  definitely competitive price.